The economy has taken a plunge, and there appears to be one thing on everyone's minds, how can I make more money? It seems like everytime you open a newspaper or turn on the news, you learn about a different business that has closed its doors, or an increase in the number of employees laid off. However, the idea of making and saving more money is not out of the question. Since one can only save so much money, I have included some tips to start making more money.
1. Work overtime if possible (some companies may even pay time and a half per hour).
2. Have a yard sale and sell items that you no longer use.
3. If time permits, get a second job.
4. Visit http://www.missingmoney.com/ - There are billions of unclaimed dollars that could be owed to you.
5. Become a tutor and help students achieve their success, while also earning a few extra bucks.
6. Mow neighbor's lawns or walk their dogs.
7. Donate plasma.
8. Become a mystery shopper.
9. Turn your hobbies into a business (art, jewelry, hair, etc.).
1. Work overtime if possible (some companies may even pay time and a half per hour).
2. Have a yard sale and sell items that you no longer use.
3. If time permits, get a second job.
4. Visit http://www.missingmoney.com/ - There are billions of unclaimed dollars that could be owed to you.
5. Become a tutor and help students achieve their success, while also earning a few extra bucks.
6. Mow neighbor's lawns or walk their dogs.
7. Donate plasma.
8. Become a mystery shopper.
9. Turn your hobbies into a business (art, jewelry, hair, etc.).
10. Baby-sit for family and friends.
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