Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Save $1000 by the Holidays

A coworker of mine recently forwarded me a wonderful article with tips and tools on how to save $1000 by December. The best part about this article, is that you won't even notice the small amounts of money that you are setting aside each month. According to Yahoo Finance, there are six simple tips to start following to avoid holiday debt next year. Practice these tricks for the months of October and November, and you could have $1,000 saved by December:

1. Adjust your tax withholding. The average tax refund last year was about $2,700. If you got a refund, that means you paid Uncle Sam too much money! Keep it for yourself to add to your holiday savings instead. You simply need to change your tax withholding by filing a new W-4 with your employer's human resources department. The changes will go into effect on your next paycheck.
Two months of savings = $450 (based on the average refund)

2. Take fewer trips to the grocery store. Make biweekly larger shopping trips so that you can stick to your budget. This will eliminate impulse buys. If you spend $10 each trip on impulse buys, and you visit the brochery store three times a week, that adds up to at least $120 extra each month. Shop with a list and think about what you'll need for the week in advance.
Two months of savings = $160

3. Kick a habit that is costly, yet not necessary. Perhaps it's those three Cokes a day, your lunches at Baggins, or your daily runs to Starbucks or workplace vending machine. Instead, bring a bottle of water, snacks and lunch from home -- and make your own coffee! Other tips include reading your magazines and newspapers online and walking the extra block to your bank's ATM to avoid paying the out-of-network fee.
Feeling extremely motivated? Look at bigger habits in your life that are costing you, such as gambling, smoking or even shopping as a hobby. You will be surprised as to how much you can save!
Two months of savings = $200

4. Eat out one less time per month. Dining out can be really expensive these days. But there's no need to go cold turkey. Resolving to eat at home just one time more per month than usual can make a big difference. Considering a meal at a casual dining restaurant costs about $20 per person, you would spend $80 for a family of four to eat out. Instead, you could cook a family meal at home for less than $20 total, saving you at least $60 each month.
Two months of savings = $120

5. Put on a sweater. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you save 5% off your heating bill, according to the Alliance to Save Energy. So on a $300-per-month bill, dropping your thermostat just two degrees and donning a sweater will save you $30 a month.
Two months of savings = $60

6. Examine your phone and cable use. Do you really need all those cable and movie channels? Drop your premium channels and you could save $15 per month or more.
Then there's your phone bill... Do you really need caller ID? Call waiting? Voice mail? Internet service on your cell phone? Dropping one or more of these extras could shave $5 to $50 off your phone bill. You might even consider dropping your landline phone service altogether in favor of your cell or a free online service like Skype. That could save another $20 to $50 per month.
Two months of savings = $100

Total savings by December = $1,090

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